Empress of Prophecy
Empress of Prophecy
Passcode: 770365 Card Database: 10269
2 Level 5 Spellcaster-Type monsters This card gains 300 ATK for each Xyz Material attached to a monster you control. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; shuffle your Deck, then excavate the top 5 cards of your Deck, destroy monsters on the field up to the number of "Spellbook" cards excavated, also, after that, place the excavated cards on the top of the Deck in any order.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - Abyss Rising
ABYR-JP047 Super Rare 2012-07-12
TCG - Abyss Rising
ABYR-EN047 Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare 2012-11-09
TCG - Astral Pack Five
AP05-EN020 Common 2014-07-25
MD - Master Pack
SR 2022-01-19
Related Effects
Monster stat or field manipulation
Reorder Deck
Xyz Specific