Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
Passcode: 96381979 Card Database: 10407
2 Level 4 Beast-Warrior monsters When this card is Xyz Summoned: You can Set 1 "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck. Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the effects of all face-up Effect Monsters currently on the field, except Beast-Warriors, until the end of your opponent's turn. When this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can send 3 "Fire Formation" Spells/Traps you control to the GY; Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Beast-Warrior monsters with the same ATK from your Deck, in face-up Defense Position.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - 2014 Mega-Tins
CT11-EN001 Platinum Secret Rare 2014-08-28
OCG - Cosmo Blazer
CBLZ-JP048 Ultimate Rare Ultra Rare 2012-11-17
TCG - Cosmo Blazer
CBLZ-EN048 Ultimate Rare Ultra Rare 2013-01-25
TCG - Fists of the Gadgets
FIGA-EN027 Super Rare 2019-08-22
MD - Guardians of Fire
UR 2022-01-19
MD - Master Pack
UR 2022-01-19
TCG - Premium Gold
PGLD-EN045 Gold Rare 2014-03-28
OCG - Tournament Pack 2021 Vol.1
21TP-JP110 Common 2021-01-01