The Monarchs Awaken
The Monarchs Awaken
Passcode: 26822796 Card Database: 10963
If you have no cards in your Extra Deck: Target 1 face-up Tribute Summoned monster you control; its effects are negated, also it is unaffected by the effects of cards other than this card.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - 2014 Mega-Tin Mega Pack
MP14-EN236 Common 2014-08-28
TCG - Emperor of Darkness Structure Deck
SR01-EN037 Common 2016-01-28
OCG - Legacy of the Valiant
LVAL-JP077 Common 2013-11-16
TCG - Legacy of the Valiant
LVAL-EN077 Common 2014-01-24
MD - Master Pack
N 2022-01-19