Fishborg Doctor
Fishborg Doctor
Passcode: 10560119 Card Database: 11001
If this card is in your Graveyard and all monsters you control are "Fishborg" monsters (min. 1): You can Special Summon this card, and if you do, banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use this effect of "Fishborg Doctor" once per turn. If you control a monster that is not a "Fishborg" monster, destroy this card.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - Duelist Alliance
DUEA-EN096 Common 2014-08-14
OCG - Jump Festa 2014 - Promotion Pack
JF14-JP006 Normal Parallel Rare 2013-12-21
OCG - Jump Festa 2015 - Promotion Pack
JF15-JP002 Common 2014-12-20
MD - Legacy Pack
R 2022-01-19
OCG - Promotion Pack 4: Part A
PR04-JP004 Common 2014-02-15