D/D/D Wave King Caesar
Passcode: 3758046 Card Database: 11457
2 Level 4 Fiend-Type monsters
During either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; at the end of the Battle Phase, Special Summon from your Graveyard as many monsters destroyed this turn as possible, but during the next Standby Phase, take 1000 damage for each monster Special Summoned by this effect. If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can add 1 "Dark Contract" card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "D/D/D Wave King Caesar" once per turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited
OCG - Quarter Century Chronicle side:Pride
QCCP-JP083 | Quarter Century Secret Rare Super Rare Secret Rare | 2024-03-23 |
Related Effects
Cards to hand
Life points
Special and Extra Summons
Xyz Specific