Mayosenju Daibak
Passcode: 93368494 Card Database: 11471
When a "Yosenju" monster you control declares an attack: You can have that attacking monster gain 300 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase.
Cannot be Special Summoned, except by Pendulum Summon. This card's Pendulum Summon cannot be negated. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can target up to 2 cards on the field; return them to the hand. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Special Summoned this turn: Return it to the hand.
Cannot be Special Summoned, except by Pendulum Summon. This card's Pendulum Summon cannot be negated. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can target up to 2 cards on the field; return them to the hand. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Special Summoned this turn: Return it to the hand.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited
Related Effects
Card resilience
Cards to hand
Monster stat or field manipulation