Yosen Training Grounds
Yosen Training Grounds
Passcode: 27918963 Card Database: 11478
Each time a "Yosenju" monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned, place 1 Yosen Counter on this card. You can remove any number of Yosen Counters from this card; apply this effect, depending on the number of Yosen Counters removed. You can only use this effect of "Yosen Training Grounds" once per turn. ●1 Counter: All "Yosenju" monsters you currently control gain 300 ATK until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field). ●3 Counters: Add 1 "Yosenju" card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - Booster SP: Tribe Force
SPTR-JP008 Normal Parallel Rare Common 2014-10-11
MD - Master Pack
N 2022-01-19
MD - Piercing Winds
N 2022-01-19
TCG - The Secret Forces
THSF-EN008 Super Rare 2015-02-12
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