Red-Eyes Retro Dragon
Red-Eyes Retro Dragon
Passcode: 53485634 Card Database: 11929
If a Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster(s) you control is destroyed by your opponent's attack or card effect and sent to your GY, while this card is in your hand: You can Special Summon this card in Defense Position, and if you do, Special Summon as many of those destroyed monsters as possible in the same position they were in when destroyed. You can Tribute this card; you can Normal Summon 1 "Red-Eyes" monster during your Main Phase this turn in addition to your Normal Summon/Set. (You can only gain this effect once per turn.)
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - 20th Legendary Collection
VP15-JP001 Secret Rare 2015-05-28
TCG - Breakers of Shadow
BOSH-EN095 Super Rare 2016-01-14
OCG - Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist
DP18-JP005 Common 2017-06-03
MD - Invincible Aces
R 2024-12-06
TCG - Legendary Decks II
LDK2-ENJ04 Common 2016-10-06
TCG - Legendary Duelists
LEDU-EN005 Common 2017-09-07
TCG - Legendary Duelists: Season 1
LDS1-EN009 Common 2020-07-03
MD - Master Pack
R 2022-01-19