Kozmo Farmgirl
Kozmo Farmgirl
Passcode: 31061682 Card Database: 12033
During either player's turn: You can banish this card; Special Summon 1 Level 4 or higher "Kozmo" monster from your hand. You can only use this effect of "Kozmo Farmgirl" once per turn. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: You can pay 500 LP; add 1 "Kozmo" card from your Deck to your hand.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - Clash of Rebellions
CORE-EN082 Ultra Rare 2015-08-06
OCG - Extra Pack 2016
EP16-JP001 Ultra Rare Secret Rare 2016-09-10
MD - Galaxy War
UR 2022-01-19
MD - Master Pack
UR 2022-01-19
TCG - Premium Gold: Infinite Gold
PGL3-EN024 Gold Secret Rare 2016-03-17