Shiranui Samurai
Shiranui Samurai
Passcode: 35818851 Card Database: 12142
During either player's turn: You can banish 1 Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard; this card gains 600 ATK, and if it does, banish any monster that battled this card, after damage calculation. These effects last until the end of this turn. If this card is banished: You can target 1 "Shiranui" monster in your Graveyard, except "Shiranui Samurai"; add it to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Shiranui Samurai" once per turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - 2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack
MP16-EN202 Common 2016-09-01
OCG - Breakers of Shadow
BOSH-JP034 Common 2015-10-17
TCG - Breakers of Shadow
BOSH-EN034 Common 2016-01-14
TCG - Hidden Summoners
HISU-EN049 Super Rare 2018-11-15
MD - Legacy Pack
N 2022-01-19