Raidraptor - Necro Vulture
Raidraptor - Necro Vulture
Passcode: 51814159 Card Database: 12209
Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 "Raidraptor" monster, then target 1 "Rank-Up-Magic" Spell Card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand, also you cannot Xyz Summon for the rest of this turn, except with the effect of a "Rank-Up-Magic" Spell Card.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - Booster SP: Wing Raiders
SPWR-JP014 Super Rare 2015-11-14
MD - Master Pack
R 2022-01-19
TCG - Wing Raiders
WIRA-EN014 Super Rare 2016-02-11
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