Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon
Passcode: 2129638 Card Database: 12252
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" Must be either Fusion Summoned, or Special Summoned by sending the above monsters you control to the GY. Cannot be destroyed by battle. This card can make up to 2 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, when this card attacks an opponent's monster, but the opponent's monster was not destroyed by the battle: You can banish that opponent's monster.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - 2017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack
MP17-EN056 Secret Rare 2017-08-24
OCG - 20th Anniversary Legend Collection
20TH-JPC64 Secret Rare Ultra Parallel Rare 2019-02-09
MD - Blue-Eyes Max
SR 2024-02-07
TCG - Legendary Collection Kaiba Mega Pack
LCKC-EN058 Ultra Rare 2018-03-08
TCG - Legendary Duelists: Season 2
LDS2-EN019 Ultra Rare 2021-01-21
MD - Master Pack
SR 2022-01-19
OCG - Quarter Century Chronicle side:Pride
QCCP-JP006 Ultra Rare Quarter Century Secret Rare Ultimate Rare Secret Rare 2024-03-23
TCG - Shining Victories
SHVI-EN099 Secret Rare 2016-05-05
OCG - V Jump February 2016 promotional card
VJMP-JP111 Kaiba Corporation Rare 2015-12-19