Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix
Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix
Passcode: 59762399 Card Database: 12275
When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack while you have a card in your other Pendulum Zone: You can destroy the card in your other Pendulum Zone, and if you do, Special Summon this card.
(Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card, then target 1 "Performapal" monster you control; it gains 1000 ATK until the end of this turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - Legendary Dragon Decks
LEDD-ENC06 Common 2017-10-05
MD - Master Pack
N 2022-01-19
OCG - Shining Victories
SHVI-JP003 Secret Rare Super Rare 2016-01-09
TCG - Shining Victories
SHVI-EN003 Rare 2016-05-05
TCG - Star Pack Battle Royal
SP17-EN032 Starfoil Rare Common 2017-03-09
Related Effects
Monster stat or field manipulation
Special and Extra Summons