Predaplant Moray Nepenthes
Predaplant Moray Nepenthes
Passcode: 22011689 Card Database: 12597
This card gains 200 ATK for each Predator Counter on the field. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can equip that monster to this card. Once per turn: You can target 1 Monster Card equipped to this card by this card's effect; destroy it, and if you do, gain LP equal to its original ATK.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - 2017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack
MP17-EN132 Common 2017-08-24
OCG - Booster SP: Fusion Enforcers
SPFE-JP007 Common Normal Parallel Rare 2016-11-12
TCG - Fusion Enforcers
FUEN-EN007 Super Rare 2017-02-23
OCG - Invasion: Vengeance
INOV-JP007 Common 2016-07-09
TCG - Invasion: Vengeance
INOV-EN007 Common 2016-11-03
MD - Master Pack
N 2022-01-19
Related Effects
Life points
Monster stat or field manipulation