Magical Meltdown
Magical Meltdown
Passcode: 47679935  Konami ID: 12851
When this card is activated: You can add 1 "Aleister the Invoker" from your Deck to your hand. The activation of your cards and effects that include an effect that Fusion Summons a Fusion Monster cannot be negated, also your opponent's cards and effects cannot activate when a monster is Fusion Summoned this way. You can only activate 1 "Magical Meltdown" per turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited
Release Format:
Booster SP: Fusion Enforcers - OCG
SPFE-JP034 Common Normal Parallel Rare 2016-11-12

Fusion Enforcers - TCG
FUEN-EN034 Secret Rare 2017-02-23

Master Pack - MD
R 2022-01-19

Maximum Gold - TCG
MAGO-EN152 Rare 2020-11-12

Seekers of Witchcraft - MD
R 2022-01-19

Selection 5 - OCG
SLF1-JP031 Secret Rare Common Super Rare 2022-11-05

Shadows in Valhalla - TCG
SHVA-EN042 Super Rare 2018-08-16

Tournament Pack 2020 Vol.1 - OCG
20TP-JP113 Common 2020-01-01

Related Effects
Cards to hand