Final Light
Final Light
Passcode: 17956906 Card Database: 14361
Pay LP in multiples of 1000, then target 1 "Valkyrie" monster in your GY with a different name for every 1000 LP paid; Special Summon them, then your opponent can Special Summon monsters with 2000 or less ATK from their GY, up to the number of monsters you Special Summoned by this effect. You can only activate 1 "Final Light" per turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - 2020 Tin of Lost Memories
MP20-EN045 Rare 2020-08-27
OCG - Extra Pack 2019
EP19-JP013 Rare 2019-09-14
MD - Master Pack
R 2022-01-19
TCG - Savage Strike
SAST-EN090 Ultra Rare 2019-01-31