Awakening of the Possessed
Passcode: 62256492 Card Database: 14389
Monsters you control gain 300 ATK for each different Attribute you control. "Charmer" and "Familiar-Possessed" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects. If a Spellcaster monster(s) with 1850 original ATK is Normal or Special Summoned to your field: Draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Awakening of the Possessed" once per turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited
OCG - Structure Deck: Masters of the Spiritual Arts - The Legend of Duelist Quarter Century Edition
TDS1-JP022 | Ultra Rare | 2024-02-03 |
Related Effects
Card resilience
Cards to hand
Monster stat or field manipulation