Amazoness Spiritualist
Amazoness Spiritualist
Passcode: 97870394 Card Database: 17613
If this card is in your hand or GY: You can target 1 "Amazoness" card you control, except "Amazoness Spiritualist"; return it to the hand, and if you do, Special Summon this card, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except "Amazoness" monsters. If this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Amazoness Spiritualist" once per turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - Darkwing Blast
DABL-EN096 Common 2022-10-20
OCG - Duelist Pack: Duelists of Pyroxene
DP27-JP033 Secret Rare Super Rare 2022-05-21
MD - Master Pack
SR 2023-04-10