Light of the Branded
Light of the Branded
Passcode: 72554664 Card Database: 18201
Target 1 Fusion Monster on the field or in either GY; return it to the Extra Deck, then you can Special Summon 1 "Fallen of Albaz" from your GY to your field and 1 monster from your opponent's GY to their field. You can only activate 1 "Light of the Branded" per turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors
MP24-EN178 Ultra Rare 2024-09-19
MD - Master Pack
R 2023-06-08
TCG - OTS Tournament Pack 21
OP21-EN012 Super Rare 2023-02-08
OCG - Photon Hypernova
PHHY-JP056 Common 2022-10-15
TCG - Photon Hypernova
PHHY-EN056 Common 2023-02-09