Solfachord Symphony
Solfachord Symphony
Passcode: 56510115 Card Database: 18528
Apply these effects, in sequence, based on the number of face-up "Solfachord" Pendulum Monsters with different names in your Extra Deck. ●3+: "Solfachord" Pendulum Monsters you control gain ATK equal to their own Pendulum Scale x 300 this turn. ●5+: You can destroy 1 card your opponent controls, then if you have an odd Pendulum Scale in your Pendulum Zone, draw 1 card. ●7+: You can Special Summon 1 "GranSolfachord" monster from your Extra Deck. You can only activate 1 "Solfachord Symphony" per turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

MD - Artistic Angel
SR 2024-06-07
OCG - Cyberstorm Access
CYAC-JP065 Common 2023-01-14
TCG - Cyberstorm Access
CYAC-EN065 Common 2023-05-04
MD - Master Pack
SR 2023-10-30
Related Effects
Cards to hand
Extra Deck Summon
Monster stat or field manipulation