Mementoal Tecuhtlica - Combined Creation
Passcode: 23288411 Card Database: 19360
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand or GY) by shuffling 5 other "Memento" monsters with different names from your hand and/or GY into the Deck/Extra Deck. While you control no other monsters, this card can attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. Once per turn, if your opponent activates a card or effect (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon 1 "Memento" monster from your hand or GY.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited
TCG - Valiant Smashers
VASM-EN001 | Ultra Rare Quarter Century Secret Rare Collector's Rare | 2023-11-16 |
Related Effects
Attacking and Battle Damage
Cards to Deck or Extra Deck
Special and Extra Summons