Maliss <C> MTP-07
Maliss <C> MTP-07
Passcode: 94722358 Card Database: 20589
You can activate this card the turn it was Set, by banishing 1 face-up "Maliss" monster you control. Add 1 "Maliss" monster from your Deck to your hand, then if you control a "Maliss" Link Monster, you can banish 1 card on the field. You can only activate 1 "Maliss <C> MTP-07" per turn.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unreleased

TCG - Crossover Breakers
CRBR-EN022 Ultra Rare Quarter Century Secret Rare Collector's Rare 2024-12-05
OCG - Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers
DBCB-JP022 Super Rare 2024-08-24