Gaia The Fierce Knight
Gaia The Fierce Knight
Passcode: 6368038 Card Database: 4044
A knight whose horse travels faster than the wind. His battle-charge is a force to be reckoned with.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - Area Championship 2023 prize card
23YA-JP001 Quarter Century Secret Rare 2023-08-12
OCG - Beginner's Edition 1
BE1-JP103 Rare 2004-06-24
OCG - Beginner's Edition 1 (2011)
BE01-JP093 Rare 2011-05-14
OCG - Booster R1
B1-02 Ultra Rare 2000-06-23
TCG - Dark Beginning 1
DB1-EN103 Rare 2004-10-12
TCG - Dark Legends
DLG1-EN005 Common 2008-11-21
OCG - Duelist Legacy Volume.2
DL2-006 Rare 2002-08-22
OCG - Duelist Road -Piece of Memory- Side: Yami Yugi
15AX-JPY05 Millennium Rare Secret Rare 2015-01-10
OCG - EX Starter Box
Common 1999-12-16
OCG - EX-R Starter Box
EX-07 Common 2000-11-23
OCG - Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
LB-06 Ultra Rare 2000-05-18
TCG - Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
LOB-006 Ultra Rare 2002-03-08
LOB-E004 Ultra Rare 2002-03-08
LOB-EN006 Ultra Rare 2002-03-08
OCG - Limited Edition 2: Yugi Pack
WJ-01 Ultra Rare 2000-04-01
MD - Master Pack
N 2022-01-19
TCG - Millennium Pack
MIL1-EN025 Rare 2016-04-14
OCG - Pharaonic Guardian
PH-52 Ultimate Rare 2002-03-21
TCG - Retro Pack
RP01-EN004 Common 2008-07-08
TCG - Speed Duel Tournament Pack 7
STP7-EN006 Super Rare 2024-04-03
TCG - Starter Deck: Yugi
SDY-007 Common 2002-03-29
SDY-E006 Common 2002-03-29
TCG - Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution
SYE-007 Common 2004-03-01
OCG - Structure Deck: Yugi Muto
SDMY-JP013 Common 2016-06-18
OCG - Vol.1
Ultra Rare 1999-02-04
TCG - Yugi's Legendary Decks
YGLD-ENA05 Common 2015-11-12