Ryu Senshi
Ryu Senshi
Passcode: 49868263 Card Database: 5319
"Warrior Dai Grepher" + "Spirit Ryu" A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Materials. When a Normal Trap Card is activated (Quick Effect): You can pay 1000 LP; negate that effect. This card must be face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect. Negate the effects of any Spell Card that targets this card and destroy it.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - Beginner's Edition 2
BE2-JP139 Rare 2004-12-09
OCG - Beginner's Edition 2 (2011)
BE02-JP110 Rare 2011-08-13
TCG - Dark Beginning 2
DB2-EN139 Rare 2005-07-27
OCG - Duelist Legacy Volume.5
DL5-018 Rare 2003-04-24
OCG - Jump Festa 2005 promotional cards
PC5-JP008 Common Normal Parallel Rare 2004-12-18
MD - Legacy Pack
R 2022-01-19
TCG - Legacy of Darkness
LOD-019 Super Rare 2003-06-06
LOD-EN019 Super Rare 2003-06-06
TCG - Speed Duel Tournament Pack 3
STP3-EN022 Common 2022-03-24
TCG - Speed Duel: Attack from the Deep
SBAD-EN040 Super Rare 2019-05-31
OCG - Struggle of Chaos
SC-19 Super Rare 2001-09-20
TCG - Tournament Pack 6
TP6-EN011 Common 2005-06-01