Exodia Necross
Exodia Necross
Passcode: 12600382 Card Database: 5701
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned with "Contract with Exodia", and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Cannot be destroyed by battle or Spell/Trap effect. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: This card gains 500 ATK. Destroy this card unless all 5 of these cards are in your Graveyard - "Exodia the Forbidden One", "Right Arm of the Forbidden One", "Left Arm of the Forbidden One", "Right Leg of the Forbidden One" and "Left Leg of the Forbidden One".
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - Dark Crisis
DCR-020 Ultra Rare 2003-12-01
DCR-EN020 Ultra Rare 2003-12-01
TCG - Dark Crisis (25th Anniversary Edition)
DCR-EN020 Ultra Rare 2023-04-20
TCG - Dark Revelation Volume 1
DR1-EN182 Super Rare 2005-03-19
OCG - Expert Edition Volume.1
EE1-JP182 Super Rare 2004-09-23
TCG - Legendary Decks II
LDK2-ENY09 Common 2016-10-06
TCG - Master Collection Volume 2
MC2-EN003 Secret Rare 2005-10-18
MD - Master Pack
N 2022-01-19
OCG - Millennium Box Gold Edition
MB01-JP009 Millennium Rare 2015-11-28
OCG - Power of the Guardian
304-020 Normal Rare 2002-11-21
MD - The Great Olds
N 2022-01-19