Cyber Blader
Cyber Blader
Passcode: 10248389 Card Database: 6485
"Etoile Cyber" + "Blade Skater" A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Materials. This card gains the following effect, based on the number of monsters your opponent controls. ●1: Cannot be destroyed by battle. ●2: This card's ATK is doubled. ●3: Your opponent's activated card effects are negated.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - Dark Revelation Volume 4
DR04-EN092 Rare 2007-11-14
OCG - Dimension Box Limited Edition
DBLE-JP043 Normal Parallel Rare 2016-11-26
OCG - Elemental Energy
EEN-JP032 Super Rare Ultimate Rare 2005-08-11
TCG - Elemental Energy
EEN-EN032 Ultimate Rare Super Rare 2005-11-16
OCG - Expert Edition Volume 4
EE04-JP092 Rare 2007-09-22
MD - Legacy Pack
SR 2022-01-19
TCG - Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box
SGX1-ENE21 Common Secret Rare 2022-03-17