Tri-Blaze Accelerator
Tri-Blaze Accelerator
Passcode: 21420702 Card Database: 7088
Activate this card by sending 1 face-up "Blaze Accelerator" you control to the GY. During your Main Phase: You can target 1 monster your opponent controls; send 1 Pyro monster from your hand to the GY, and if you do, destroy that target, and if you do that, inflict 500 damage to your opponent. Your monsters cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - Duelist Edition Volume 1
DE01-JP147 Rare 2012-05-12
OCG - Force of the Breaker
FOTB-JP041 Ultimate Rare Super Rare 2007-02-15
TCG - Force of the Breaker
FOTB-EN041 Super Rare Ultimate Rare 2007-05-16
TCG - Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano
LD10-EN053 Common 2023-08-10
MD - Master Pack
R 2022-01-19
TCG - Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box
SGX1-ENH15 Common 2022-03-17