Jurrac Titano
Jurrac Titano
Passcode: 85028288 Card Database: 8396
Cannot be Special Summoned. Cannot be targeted by Trap or monster effects. Once per turn: You can banish 1 "Jurrac" monster with 1700 or less ATK from your Graveyard; this card gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants
BP02-EN089 Rare Mosaic Rare 2013-06-28
OCG - Duel Terminal - Dragunity of the Hurricane!!
DT06-JP017 Duel Terminal Super Parallel Rare 2009-07-01
TCG - Duel Terminal 3
DT03-EN067 Duel Terminal Super Parallel Rare 2010-09-25
OCG - Duel Terminal Chronicle 2 - Chapter of Chaos
DTC2-JP069 Duel Terminal Super Parallel Rare 2012-08-28
TCG - Hidden Arsenal 3
HA03-EN039 Secret Rare 2010-12-02
MD - Master Pack
N 2022-01-19
Related Effects
Card resilience
Monster stat or field manipulation