Majestic Star Dragon
Majestic Star Dragon
Passcode: 7841112 Card Database: 8475
"Majestic Dragon" + "Stardust Dragon" + 1 non-Tuner monster During either player's turn, when your opponent activates a card or effect: You can Tribute this card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy all cards your opponent controls. Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; negate its effects until the end of this turn, and you can activate 1 of its effects as this card's effect once this turn. During the End Phase: Target 1 "Stardust Dragon" in your Graveyard; return this card from the field to the Extra Deck, then Special Summon that target.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

MD - Beyond Speed
R 2022-04-04
TCG - Collectible Tins 2009 Wave 2
CT06-EN003 Secret Rare 2009-11-03
OCG - Duelist Edition Volume 4
DE04-JP065 Rare 2012-08-11
OCG - Duelist Pack: Yusei 3
DP10-JP017 Rare 2010-10-16
TCG - Duelist Pack: Yusei 3
DP10-EN017 Rare 2011-01-21
TCG - Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack
LC5D-EN036 Super Rare 2014-10-23
MD - Master Pack
R 2022-01-19
OCG - Monster Figure Collection Volume 2 promotional cards
MFC2-JP001 Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare 2010-05-29
OCG - Stardust Overdrive
SOVR-JP040 Ultimate Rare Holographic Rare Ultra Rare 2009-07-18
TCG - Stardust Overdrive
SOVR-EN040 Ghost Rare Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare 2009-11-17