The Fabled Unicore
The Fabled Unicore
Passcode: 44155002 Card Database: 8575
1 "Fabled" Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters While you and your opponent have the same number of cards in hand, negate all cards and effects activated by your opponent, and if you do, destroy those cards.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - Duel Terminal - Charge of the Genex!!
DT07-JP039 Duel Terminal Super Parallel Rare 2009-10-01
TCG - Duel Terminal 4
DT04-EN039 Duel Terminal Super Parallel Rare 2011-01-25
OCG - Duel Terminal Chronicle 3 - Chapter of Destruction
DTC3-JP027 Duel Terminal Super Parallel Rare 2012-11-06
MD - Fabled Gods
UR 2022-01-19
TCG - Hidden Arsenal 4: Trishula's Triumph
HA04-EN027 Secret Rare 2011-04-15
TCG - Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1
HAC1-EN147 Common Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare 2022-02-24
MD - Master Pack
UR 2022-01-19
OCG - Secret Utility Box
SUB1-JP013 Normal Parallel Rare 2022-12-24