Gauntlet Warrior
Gauntlet Warrior
Passcode: 79337169 Card Database: 8579
During either player's turn: You can Tribute this card; each Warrior-Type monster you currently control gains 500 ATK and DEF, until the end of the next Damage Step that monster attacks or is attacked.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

TCG - Battle Pack 3: Monster League
BP03-EN070 Shatterfoil Rare Common 2014-07-31
OCG - Duelist Pack: Yusei 2
DP09-JP013 Ultra Rare 2009-10-17
TCG - Duelist Pack: Yusei 2
DP09-EN013 Ultra Rare 2010-01-15
MD - Legacy Pack
N 2022-01-19
Related Effects
Monster stat or field manipulation