Machine Assembly Line
Machine Assembly Line
Passcode: 25518020 Card Database: 8668
All Machine monsters on the field gain 200 ATK. Each time a face-up Machine monster(s) on the field is destroyed by battle or card effect, place 2 Junk Counters on this card. You can send this card to the GY, then target 1 Machine monster in your GY whose Level is less than or equal to the number of Junk Counters that were on this card; Special Summon that target.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - Absolute Powerforce
ABPF-JP057 Common 2009-11-14
TCG - Absolute Powerforce
ABPF-EN057 Common 2010-02-12
TCG - Battle Pack 3: Monster League
BP03-EN167 Common Shatterfoil Rare 2014-07-31
OCG - Duelist Set: Version Machine-Gear Troopers
DS14-JPM19 Ultra Rare 2013-11-23
TCG - Geargia Rampage Structure Deck
SDGR-EN023 Common 2014-10-16
MD - Master Pack
R 2022-01-19
MD - Roid Nexus
R 2022-01-19
TCG - Speed Duel: Battle City Box
SBCB-EN076 Common 2020-11-26
Related Effects
Cards to Graveyard
Monster stat or field manipulation
Special and Extra Summons