Dark Flattop
Dark Flattop
Passcode: 67904682 Card Database: 9218
1 DARK Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type monsters Once per turn: You can target 1 "Reactor" monster or "Flying Fortress SKY FIRE" in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target, ignoring its Summoning conditions. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Machine-Type monster from your hand.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

OCG - Advanced Tournament Pack 2013 Vol.4
AT04-JP001 Normal Parallel Rare 2013-11-01
OCG - Duel Disk - Yusei Version DX 2010
DDY3-JP003 Ultra Rare 2010-11-20
MD - Legacy Pack
SR 2022-01-19
TCG - Order of Chaos
ORCS-EN096 Rare 2012-01-20