Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan"
Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan"
Passcode: 70271583 Card Database: 9318
This card must attack if able. When this face-up card is selected as an attack target, change its battle position. When you take Battle Damage from a battle involving this card, all face-up "Karakuri" monsters you control gain 800 ATK and DEF until the End Phase. While this card is in face-up Attack Position, it cannot be destroyed by battle.
TCG: Unlimited
OCG: Unlimited
MD: Unlimited

MD - Master Pack
N 2022-01-19
OCG - Storm of Ragnarok
STOR-JP027 Common 2010-11-13
TCG - Storm of Ragnarok
STOR-EN027 Common 2011-02-08
Related Effects
Attacking and Battle Damage
Card resilience
Monster stat or field manipulation